What is the best bait for getting editors attention and new clients?
May 2019 Issue of Designers Today
Indispensable imagery.
Designers Today delivers the tips and takeaways to make sure your interior design brand is as successful as your designs - including marketing tips, business strategies and more. In the May issue they focused on the importance of how gorgeously lit and professionally styled photography can be the best bait for getting editors attention as well as new clients.
Beautiful bathroom design by Denise McGaha
I was very flattered to be among the selected creatives sharing our expertise in regards to all that goes into making the magic happen in interior photography. It was a fun talk with editor Jane Dagmi about things that affect the shoot day in a positive and negative way. Our approach to the interior shoot with our clients from knowing the marketing direction and who they are targeting. And of course my take on scouting and how beneficial the planning is to making it a very efficient shoot day.
May 2019 Business Photography
If you didn’t get a chance to pick up the May issue then you can read the digital version here.