Expressive Interiors by Lucas Eilers
Expressive Interiors book cover
I am so excited to announce the release of Expressive Interiors by Lucas Eilers! This Houston based design firm duo of Sandy Lucas and Sarah Eilers has been a leading force in the design narrative in Texas and beyond for a long time, and they have finally put that work out for the world to enjoy. Over the past two years I've been shooting several projects for them specifically for this book, which was an education for me personally on working directly with a publisher, Rizzoli, and book designer and editor. The experience will forever shape how I approach all projects for designers in the future, seeing how valuable and important it is to always think about how any shoot would look in a book format somewhere down the line.
Spending time with this amazing group on trips to Charleston, Park City, Galveston and Houston, will always be one of the highlights of my career shooting Interiors. I learned so much about the process, from it just being an idea in their heads discussed over a lunch meeting in Dallas a long, long time ago, to seeing the first spreads come back from Sandy Friedus and Doug Turschen at Rizzoli. From making corrections, edits and revisions until we almost couldn't look at it anymore, lol, and then seeing it pop up for sale on Amazon (yes!), it's been a fantastic ride.
Here are a few highlights from the book, it's a proud moment for me, and to know how much it means to Sarah and Sandy and their entire team at Lucas Eilers. Congratulations to you both and thank you all for inviting me in to be a part of this project, I am ready for book number 2! Enjoy the Q&A with Sarah and Sandy below.
Q&A with Sarah Eilers and Sandy Lucas
• What advice would you give yourself at 20?
Sarah: I would tell myself to pay attention to your applied art (all of the principles and elements of design) and hang in there! The hard work and late nights will be worth it. I knew at 18 what I wanted to do with my life and I remain very thankful that I have the opportunity to do what I love every day.
Sandy: I enjoyed school a lot but, at the time, I didn’t realize design would become such a passion for me and that it would grow to become such an integral part of my life. Looking back, I would advise myself to take the courses more seriously. Luckily, when I started teaching, I re-learned everything after having some practical knowledge under my belt, and it all worked out in the end!
• Advice on how you overcome fears that hold creatives back from going for it?
Sarah: One of my mentors taught me that it’s essential to show your clients that you can design. What you come up with may be unexpected or too daring, but you have to put yourself out there. I now teach that same lesson to anyone who works with me. Sometimes, we all get a little too comfortable in the work we’re doing and our job is to continue pushing ourselves to take creative risks; we must never settle and we cannot be afraid of design.
Sandy: Have confidence in yourself. Rely on your experience and your knowledge, knowing that all good designers doubt themselves from time to time. That’s what makes you the very best at what you do. Remember that you’re the professional which can be difficult when you’re working with close friends or family; they may not see you for the expert that you are. But once you’ve thoughtfully considered all of the options and applied all of your experience, don’t be afraid to own it.
• If you need inspiration for a design project, what do you do first?
Sarah: I usually contemplate the style and characteristics of the region I’m designing in and then sit down with a stack of magazines and trusted design books. I find that having an appreciation for the environment around the home is often just as important as appreciating what’s within. I surround myself with inspiration and then have fun making it all my own.
Sandy: I rely heavily on my books and magazines, and we often joke that we’re “rippers” - I have magazine photos from 40 years ago that are neatly filed away by category. Above all, I’m inspired by my clients. I get excited listening to their dreams and hearing the memories they plan to make in their homes. When you’re lucky enough to walk the site together before the home is built, you can really get a feel for the landscape and the architecture.
Sandy and Sarah: We also have an extensive questionnaire that’s incredibly helpful when you don’t know someone as well, and we always start a private Pinterest board where we compile inspiration images with our clients.
• What would you say is key in selecting a photographer for your projects?
Sandy and Sarah: Doug Turshen at Rizzoli encouraged us to meet with Stephen Karlisch and we are so grateful that he did! When you’re on the hunt for a photographer, it’s important to find someone who gets you and Stephen got us immediately. You should also look for a photographer who is not only technically talented but also flexible and creative. Finding someone you click with (pun intended) makes a huge difference because you’re partnering up to document your life’s work and you’ll be spending a great deal of time together.
Don’t limit yourself to local photographers. Do an exhaustive search to make sure you find someone that gets you and understands your design aesthetic. Doug knew Stephen would have the talent and skill needed to help weave our personality into the images and Stephen ended up doing this so well that Rizzoli took images that were originally supposed to be a one or two-image spread and built an entire chapter around them!
At the end of the day, if you’re on shoot and nobody is engaged or excited to be there, the images always reflect that. Building an enthusiastic team is essential and a good interiors photographer like Stephen are not only capable of capturing the energy in your design but they are also excited to help tell the room’s story.
Order your copy of Expressive Interiors here.
If you are interested in learning more about the process of publishing and are a member of Design Trust, please look for the Virtual Panel with Lucas Eilers, Stephen and Sandy from Rizzoli on October 30, 2020. Stephen looks forward to speaking at the Houston Design Center in December with Lucas Eilers. More information to come soon.
Thinking of getting started on your book journey? Lets talk!